Monday, July 14, 2008

News from Me

Well, I've been working on my course lately. Only two more weeks left and it will be over. I must admit that I have the strange sensation of drinking from a fire hose. I must admit Mr. Skodus is by far the best instructor for this course. He makes it very realistic with his examples and his excersises. I'm not sure if I informed people of the course I've been taking but its the SANS ( 560 - Network Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking. I plan on putting up some links to relavent sites we used or he pointed out during the course. I will hopefully also see if I can find some tutorials on the software we used (well at least some of it). I myself do not have a complete grasp on the info yet but hopefully I will be able to tinker away with it for the next couple of months. Well that is it for now later.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Been a while

Well, it's been a while since I've posted so I thought I had better update everyone. I have been trying my hardest to understand the SANS 560 course. I must admit doing it through SANS @ Home has made it a bit easier. You basically get a half a days normal training in an evening then you get a couple of days to digest it. You have access to the virtual lab they have created to hack away at. I've taken previous course with sans and the more I do the more the internet scares the hell out of me. I tell you if somebody wants to get into your system or network and you have internet connectivity they can do it. If they have local machine access then you are screwed guranteed. I must admit I am surprised by the mentality at work in regards to security. We are far less worried about security than safety. We have safety briefings every thursday afternoon but never have we had a security briefing. I've gotten information on several sites and I will be posting links to them for anybody that may be interested. I've decided not to take the GPEN test as I don't think I will be ready for that. So that money will be put towards my BSc course I'm starting to take. Well time for some sleep I will update again soon...

Pro Patria

Monday, June 16, 2008


Friday, June 13, 2008

Golf Day

Well, work setup this annual golf day. Today was the day, I'm not usually into this stuff due to some ongoing medical issues but I figure I had a choice go to work or get paid to play golf.... Golfing it was, it was a great day for it. It was somewhat overcast but it was definately warm enough. We were in teams of four so we got a cart and began playing. I must admit the golfing part is fun but racing around the course with the golf card is far to much fun. At the end we all gathered in the clubhouse and had burgers and fries. We all got our prizes for the day and then we proceed to drink what might have been in my case far to much. I must admit when I drink if I have more than say 3 beer I either have to get plastered or I will get a headache. Needless to say I'm typing this with a headache. All in all this was a great day at work. My only wish is we would do this every 2 or 3 weeks but I guess someone might get upset about this. It sounds like we might be doing night golfing in Sept. I'm sure I will have a few to many then.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I recently took a course and they made a valid point, in regards to education. They explained how it's up to me to take responsibility for my education. Since I am recently retired military where you don't get a choice (not really) in what courses you will be doing. I have gone a rampage with training requests for course I would like to have. To my surprise I have been given every course I have asked for. I am in the process of doing the SANS 560 course. If anybody gets a chance to do this course I highly recommend it. I've also requested to start doing university courses. Once again I did get approved to start these courses as well. I have also put in for some managerial course. I'm waiting to hear back about them, but I'm sure I will be getting them as well. I am going to edeavour to keep this blog up to date since this will be a great record for myself.